Will of John Barnett Sr Source: LDS microfilm 0031655 Goochland County, VA Deed Book 7 (1755-1759) Page 118-119.
In the name of God Amen. The seventh day of October One Thousand seven hundred and fifty five. I John Barnett Senr of the County of Goochland being at this present very sick and weak in body but of sound and perfect disposing mind and memory thanks be to Almighty God it considering the certainty of Death and the uncertainty of the h--(?) thereof do make Ordain and declare this my last Will and testament manner and form following, that is to say first and princinally (?sic) for ward my Soul into the hands of God my creator that gave it to me and my Body I commit to the Earth to be Buried after a decent Christian like Manner, and as to what worldly goods it hath pleased God to bestow upon me I give and dispose in manner and form following.
Item First I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas Barnett that part my land he now lives on to him and his heirs forever
Item and the other part of my Land with the Plantation I now live on I give and devise unto my youngest son Jesse Barnett to him and his heirs forever , the Branch between them to be ye dividing.
Item and remaining part of my Estate both real and personal I give and bequeath unto the rest of my Children namely Richard Barnett, John Barnett, William Barnett, Joseph Barnett, Edward Barnett, Catherine Whitler, Sarah Barnett, Mary Barnett and Frances Barnett to them and their heirs forever, to be equally divided between them, at the death or Marriage of my Wife desiring my Estate may not be appraised.
Item I hereby nominate Constitute and appoint my Dear Wife Catherine Barnett my Son John Barnett and my Son Thomas Barnett to be my Sole and full Executors of this my last Will and Testemant in Witness whereof I the said John Barnett Senr have honor(?) to set my hand and Seal In presence of his....
Samuel Spear(?) Senr John I Barnett Senr
Henry Whitler
John Farrar
At a Court held for Goochland County September the 21st 1756
This writing was proved by the oaths of Samuel Spear(?) Senr and
Henry Whittler to be the last Will and testament of John Barnett senr
deceased and was thereupon admitted to record.
Val Wood CC(?)